Lyon 5
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New building program
3 bedrooms
134 m²
REF. CVI7385
139 m²
REF. CVI7388
Sole agency
5 bedrooms
148 m²
REF. CVI7495
32 m²
REF. CVI7498
284 m²
REF. JOL7200
87 m²
REF. BOL7285
1 bedroom
68 m²
REF. CDE7314
Under contract
173 m²
REF. CVI7273
91 m²
REF. CVI7093
4 bedrooms
196 m²
REF. CVI7125
168 m²
REF. CVI7176
229 m²
REF. CVI7177
2 bedrooms
79 m²
REF. CVI7178
188 m²
REF. BOL6627
142 m²
REF. FRE6237
REF. BOL5801
124 m²
REF. BOL4634
The district 5 consist the heart of Lyon. Located in the heights of the city, it had lot of luxury real estate.
BARNES Lyon, luxury real estate specialist, offers you some rare and unique real estate in exceptional location of the district 5. BARNES help you in your luxury flat purchase in Lyon 5.
Your luxury real estate agency, BARNES Lyon is located in the heart of the peninsula : 29 quai Saint-Antoine 69002 Lyon 2.
Our consultants, specialist in luxury real estate will know estimated the value of your flat in Lyon 5 according to some caracteristics like the location, the view, quality renovations etc.All this caracteristics make your flat prestigious and rare.
If you have an investissement real estate project in Lyon 5 and you wish to evalued your flat, meet our team agency.
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