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Sole agency
3 bedrooms
124 m²
REF. BOL4634
Under contract
2 bedrooms
58 m²
REF. PGO4409
230 m²
REF. IFA7310
4 bedrooms
157 m²
REF. MCH7145
434 m²
REF. IFA7287
232 m²
REF. IFA7309
Do you like open spaces and would like to buy a loft in Lyon ? We will help you with this project.
If the market for lofts, artists' workshops and other surfaces has evolved considerably, it is never easy to find the good of your dreams.Specialized in luxury real estate in Lyon, the agency Barnes has the knowledge of the market and the network to facilitate your loft purchase project in Lyon.
Beyond the purchase, to think about the future development of your loft in Lyon, we offer you our contacts of interior architects.
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