Only BARNES, No.1
It is with you in mind that we are creating the Only BARNES magazine, produced with the help of our 25 consultants specialised in luxury real estate, to allow you to (re)discover Lyon and its surroundings.

Online > bit.ly/2ByFtg0
(Re)discovering Lyon & its surroundings
In the first half of 2018, Lyon recorded a 34% increase in sales, with average completion times down from 71 days in 2017 to 58 days in 2018, reflecting the buoyancy of the real estate market for exceptional properties in Lyon.
It is with you in mind that we are creating the Only BARNES magazine, produced with the help of our 25 consultants specialised in luxury real estate, to allow you to (re)discover Lyon and its surroundings.
Only BARNES will be brought to you on a twice-yearly basis and filled with the latest news from our two agencies in Lyon, with close-ups of one of Lyon’s neighbourhoods and a surrounding town, coverage of superb apartments and houses whose owners have graciously agreed to show us around, and a selection of our favourite properties available for sale.
Most of all, we have paid particular attention to presentation and the photos in this magazine, showcasing the values of aesthetics and elegance that we share with our readers.
We hope you enjoy it!
Thomas Vantorre, CEO BARNES Lyon