Lyon 3
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3 bedrooms
100 m²
REF. GHI7462
2 bedrooms
160 m²
REF. GHI7463
Sole agency
4 bedrooms
162 m²
REF. LBA7254
5 bedrooms
260 m²
REF. GHI7179
1 bedroom
48 m²
REF. COF6949
67 m²
219 m²
Lyon 3 is one of the rariest district in Lyon where you can found a house in a heart of the town. One of the most appreciated district is Montchat look like a village.
BARNES Lyon agency, specialist in luxury real estate in Lyon will know evalued your project and satisfy your requiest to found a prestigious house in Lyon 3.
BARNES Lyon is located in the heart of the peninsula : 29 quai Saint-Antoine 69002.
Our professional team in luxury real estate will know estimate the value of your house in Lyon 3 according to some caracteristics like the view, quality renovation, the location etc. All this caracteristics make your house prestigious and rare.
If you have a house sale project in Lyon 3 and you wish to estimate your house, meet our professional agency team.
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